fourty-four caliber
.44 caliber love letter straight from my heart

welcome to fourty-four caliber dot net!

Since April 12, 2021
You are visitor #
to best enjoy this website, sit on something with back support, wear loose fitting clothing, avoid overhead lighting. to best understand the material, work part time, make less than $20,000 a year, grow your hair out, live under constant threat of eviction, wait until your bills arrive in pink envelopes before paying them, have highly personal and easily misunderstood goals, wake after nine but before noon, have roomates regardless of your age, be a success sexually but remember your failures, understand the world wasn't made for you, understand your parents are just people and be nice to them based on merit, have definite opinions but understand the world does not care, judge people on how they will fit into a D&D campaign, love animals, do not treat retarded people like lepers, really don't treat lepers like lepers, be kind to people, do not be afraid of other people's opinions, understand art has a context and don't dismiss things outright, don't be married, do not have children, avoid hard drugs (they make you talk too loud and that's annoying), understand people have the right to be tasteless, approach doors with confidence and not fear, attach yourself to people who are funny, distance yourself from uptight squares, embrace the meteor, try new things.

Please know that this isn't an entirely serious website. Watch out for adolecent bitterness, over-the-top edginess, pretentious takes, and abandoned pages. Just because I talk or write about something, doesn't mean I agree with or condone it. Any rational person would be able to look at my website and tell that none of it is supposed to imply any sort of serious threat.

Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change,
the courage to change the things i can,
and the wisdom to know when to give up and end it all.

recommended pages: about me, Brand New fanpage, The Church of Euthanasia

I leave you with one last message: always choose love...

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