6:32 pm, February 7, 2024
Again, because of a tumblr post I saw today, I am not going to make fun of Dylann, or call him a faggot or a retard, or laugh at how he was always alone and what he thought about his own appearance. It's just too sad for me to. This morning I saw a video of Ethan Crumbley after he had just gotten arrested. Very hard to watch. I don't know much about him, but I saw someone mention that he had been hearing voices and had parents that, if anything, encouraged him to go through with it. Okay, maybe not directly, but they definitely didn't make any attempts to help him before it was too late. EVERYONE on tumblr seems to make fun of him. People are so inconsistent. The same people that make fun of him will get so unbelievably defensive over any criticism of the Columbine shooters. There was some reddit screenshot about Eric Harris that said "Coming up with a nickname for yourself and making others refer to you by that name is low-key embarrasing ngl", and I still can't believe the way people on tumblr are flipping shit over that. But yes let's make fun of these other unbelievably mentally ill shooters.

But anyways, I finally did finish that communications assignment. So stupid. Does the teacher just want to hear everyone's life drama or what? I had to talk shit about two of my friends and one of my favorite teachers for that assignment. I'll probably get a low grade on it, especially because 20% was already knocked off for it being late, but anything's better than a 0 I guess. Apparently this week is already that halfway point, which is a good thing. I have to do a discussion board post thing today though. The one I did last week didn't get a great grade because apparently I wasn't specific enough in my example. Why does the entire class have to know my life events?? Not enough words either, even though there's no mention of a minimum word requirement on the assignment itself. Whatever, I'll do it another day because the discussion board doesn't close until Sunday. Surely there's a reason why I marked it on my calender for today but I forgot what it was and at this point I hate the class too much to care.

Oh yes recently I bought the same sweater Dylann wears in this photo:
(the file size is very large so the picture might not load properly so maybe refresh the page)

I believe originally it's about $160 or so, but I didn't see it for sale on ralphlauren.com. The other ones I saw for sale were L or XL, which I wasn't too enthused about. I missed out so badly on one that was either a small or medium that was being sold for $12! But I did eventually get a medium for about $35. It's very nice :) I assume his was probably from goodwill or some other thrift store, since I know he's bought other clothes there and doesn't seem like the type to spend over $100 on a sweater. I've bought Polo sweaters from goodwill before and they were perfectly fine. I have his same camera and watch as well. Very pathetic and cringe, I know.