4:20 pm, February 6, 2024
These half-semester classes that last for like two months fucking SUCKKKKK since everything is so fast paced I feel like I have no time to really do the things I want. Especially fucking communications class that I already suck at but the professor is so particular I really can't do anything right. And I need need need to work on biology but I'm so caught up in communications and english that I can't get to it. I actually really like biology class and the professor seems cool but it's just ughhhhh I can't do the class I'm actually interested in because of how much work I have to do in the other classes.

I woke up at 4 am this morning and went back to sleep at 9 and woke up again at 1 pm. I get on my computer to do schoolwork but I end up playing overwatch instead. I main d.va but I've been wanting to get into playing Ana because she can be really fun if games go well, but a lot of times the games suck and my teammates are retarded. I don't know. I can't carry games on Ana like I can on D.Va. Also I'm listening to Metro Station right now, which is something I should've done a long time ago because it's the first time I'm listening to this album (their self titled) and it's really good!

I keep alternating between working on my communications assignment that was due two days ago and writing here and playing overwatch. Playing Ana could be so fun, but I think I just like the mobility of characters like Mercy and D.Va. I might change my username on there but people recognize me by my username simply because I play so much and that's interesting. Update after playing like 3 games: I'm definitely not changing it. Not at this point. I might start going by a second name as well on here though simply to lose the Cal Gabriel association >_> I like zero day but pls...

Earlier I was thinking about the sort of edgy satanist Eric Harris wannabe phase that a lot of people go through when they join the tcc. It'd be so much more fun if everyone was just themselves. Eric Harris wasn't liked for a reason, why try so hard to act the same as him and then complain that you're a loser?

5:50 pm
Ugh. Still haven't done most of the stuff I had to do today. I know one of them will only take about 25 minutes... hopefully... But the communications assignment is sos stupid where I have to remember specific events and interactions from my life that happened years ago and are completely meaningless to me now. Right now I'm just wishing my laptop still worked because I can barely bring myself to get out of bed and go to my computer... About once every other month I try to use my laptop as if it's healed itself or something since that last time I tried hahaha

But yes I was thinking of coming up with a second name just to lose the Cal Gabriel association in the tcc. Cal is typically short for something else, Calvin is the most common I believe, but in my case it's just a stand alone name. What names can Cal be extended to? Callahan, Calix, Calliope (haha so cute), Callan, Caledon, Callister, SuperCALifragilisticexpialidocious, according to the internet. When I google it mostly masculine names show up. I really hate when people assume that I'm a guy. I don't know, I feel like my online presence screams "I'm a girl!!" but I guess I could be wrong. None of those names fit me though because that's not who I am. I'm just Cal. In a feminine way.

Also, I might change my username on tumblr. pklovelife is short for penknifelovelife (my username on my old blog that got banned). I'm thinking of making a poll but I fear I might be irrelevant and no one will vote which would be quite embarrasing.

Here are some songs, they aren't by The Fall of Troy this time. Volume warning as always (especially for the second song):

1. Metro Station - Control

2. Chasing Victory - Unrequited Love