Clarifications About This Website
I know this will likely fall on deaf ears considering how quickly the people who send me these sort of messages seem to jump to conclusions. Any rational person would be able to look at my website and tell that none of it is supposed to imply any sort of serious threat. I, as well as a handful of other people on neocities, recently recieved a very stupid and angry email from someone who seems to have not actually looked through most of our websites before deciding that we're all Columbine obsessed freaks that are going to commit some atrocity, which isn't true in the slightest. This person's already scared someone else into deleting their site entirely, and it seems like they're trying to do the same to other people now. TL;DR:
1. I am very much aware that what any criminal I've mentioned on here did was extremely wrong, and I completely disavow their actions.

2. I'm a teenager filled with adolescent bitterness who goes through a lot of phases (like most other teenagers do). I'm likely going to lose all interest in the tcc in the very near future.

3. I am not going to kill myself or anyone else, nor do I have plans to

4. I do not own a gun or any other weapons

5. Content on this website relating to shooters is limited to my ramblings about mainly Dylann Roof in my "diary". I try to make it clear that I do not support his actions or beliefs, but the writing on those pages are often incoherent and not proof read.

6. My website has had this general layout for over two years, and I have never once mentioned Sol Pais. If you compare our two websites, I think that it's quite obvious that I didn't copy her (although, many other people on here have identical websites to hers)

7. At this point in time, I'm almost completely checked out of the tcc. If you check back on what I'm doing in three months, I'll probably be talking about something completely different

Now to address the email, I'm not going to go over any of this person's pretentious rambling about how they're interested in more "obscure" cases and the lack of obvious shooter referenes on their website, because I really don't care about that and find it irrelevant to what this is about. This person sent the same email to several people on neocities, and I think it's quite obvious they just went through everyone in the "tcc" tag and collected any email addresses they could find. They also talk specifically about Columbine, which has only been mentioned once in passing on this website when I critiqued fans of Eric Harris

"I am deliberately sending this several days prior to the shooting's anniversary in hopes that you will not only change your minds and avoid another botched suicide attempt, but with the goal that you can grow out of this pathetic phase and realize that you will gain more power as a martyr if you expand the horizons of Columbine and other lesser, cowardly small time killings... You will one day find it appropriate to finally purchase a shotgun and enter your school, but all you may do is hurt 2 others and kill yourself. There is no worth in admiring them... I can only conclude that your own blatant confessions of wanting to commit mass murder is due a light intervention before I may resort to federal assistance. You are all so obsessed with homicide that it worries me. You all want to commit to an agenda that you know nothing of. At the end of the day, it's based on your judgement and own volition; but if you keep this up then your fate will fail you miserably. Let me ask you: Have you ever considered a different approach to this life? Pick a struggle, or get arrested immediately after you purchase that precious little Carbine you've drooled over for 6 months straight... Trust me on this one. I have encouraged several others like you to get a grip and I will continue to do this no matter what. If you refuse to hear it, then I will simply find another way to enlighten you. If you choose this way out, then I will see your mugshots on the news and plan to write to you all in prison."

The anniversary of Columbine isn't something that is on my mind at all. I really take no interest in Columbine at all, actually. Even though some of the content on this website can be depressing and morbid in nature, I haven't once mentioned any plans of killing myself or committing a shooting or anything else of the sort. I will never "one day find it appropriate to finally purchase a shotgun and enter my school". My interest in true crime is a very small aspect in my life, and I have many other interests and hobbies that do not relate to it in the slightest. I do not own any guns or weapons, and I don't have any reason to.

Just picture it from an outsider perspective: You really are fangirls for two teenagers who would have shot you all dead without a second thought? Do you think that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris tolerated "people" who want to chop off their tits and girls who "punch Nazis" respectfully? Do you think they would give you the slightest chance, that they would even consider looking at you for more than 5 seconds? You are not in love with these cowards; you are in love with the idea of being fixed by them, or really anyone like them. You are in love with two kids who would have hated you more than they hated Littleton, CO. Be honest, if you want to be fixed in that way, then latch on to the nearest nigger you find in the street and don't let go of him.

This isn't a political or social justice website. I don't mention being transgender because I'm not transgender and I don't mention wanting to "punch Nazis". I have no reason to care about what any shooter or soon-to-be shooter or whoever would think about me, and I'm especially not in love with any of them. There is absolutely no mention on this website of seriously admiring any shooter or having any desire to be in a relationship with one.

But you still hold on, you maintain those silly little blogs as if it will fix everything, you copy-paste Pais' layout with no second thought about it, you shadow yourselves behind the Columbine shooters and that Floridan dirtbag who killed herself for the lesser one 5 years ago. You have no personality. All you do is romanticize and swoon over those pieces of shit with no actual critical thinking as to what clowns you are making of yourselves when in action... If you want to be original, then you must grow out of this phase and become a unique human being. Researchers hate copycats, frankly. If you want recognition, then work for it. Build a website that is topic inclusive and non-redundant. Broaden your horizons than some faggot with a kill count of 3 and a schizophrenic who still managed to slaughter 20 children and 7 teachers.

If you look through my website even for just five minutes, you can pretty quickly figure out that this isn't true. My website doesn't resemble or is inspired by Sol Pais' whatsoever, and covers various different topics that really don't relate to any shooters at all. I understand why people may take issue with the tcc (and there have been many instances of me complaining about hybristophiles and those who do not take the cases seriously), but I feel that taking the time to write angry emails and filing reports to the FBI over people like who me who make it fairly clear that they do not have any intention of causing harm is unjustified. Since recieving this email I took the tcc, suicide, and depression tags off of my neocities profile and privated a handful of my tumblr posts that make any mention of a shooter. I'll admit that I find it upsetting that I'm not able to talk about some of my interests without people becoming angry and paranoid, and immediately getting banned off of tumblr despite my posts being very tame.

the full email:
"I am deliberately sending this several days prior to the shooting's anniversary in hopes that you will not only change your minds and avoid another botched suicide attempt, but with the goal that you can grow out of this pathetic phase and realize that you will gain more power as a martyr if you expand the horizons of Columbine and other lesser, cowardly small time killings. I have thought extensively about what I want to say in these regards, but I have decided to just say what I need to in the moment and add on later, as things seem fit.

Respectfully, you are all cowards. You are all worthless liars and insecure sluts for two dead teenagers that it has become sickening. And it seems like your kind is mass produced in some personality factory, as well! It's far more depressing than bothersome. I have no reason to associate with you all, much less admit I utilize the same platform as you. I keep it all relatively anonymous, I bought out my own domain and disabled the profile also. I don't use tags and I have a layout for my own page much different than your own. Yes, I have "references" to mass murders, but it isn't so blatantly obvious as "1999" or the suicide image of Harris and Klebold. I have never referenced the massacre on my own, nor have I ever made such a reference to it. I don't plan on doing this any time soon, as well, even as a "Columbiner". There are several others - and much more interesting - mass murders that I have a greater interest in than the nobodies. Have you all ever heard of the Sinop massacre? The Toulon Spree Killings? The Binghampton massacre? Perhaps the Jian'guo Gate shooting? I can accept the chance of hearing of them on the news, when they occurred, or even in passing. But have you ever researched them and analyzed those massacres and murderers on your own?

This is quite an interesting fact... Once you graduate from the Columbine stage, you will begin to meet aspiring (and possibly even successful!) mass murderers on your own. I had briefly spoken to Jonathan Sapirman once online, two months before he committed his pathetic attempt at a shooting in 2022. He was a clown and a coward. I can honor him for committing to genuine research and denying any romanticism that he could have possibly felt for perpetrators, but I suppose my personal experience with him is what makes me despise him so. He only proves that an obsession with true crime is purely beneficial if you adapt to modern shootings, rather one that triggered the whole wave of mass murder in the first place.

Just picture it from an outsider perspective: You really are fangirls for two teenagers who would have shot you all dead without a second thought? Do you think that Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris tolerated "people" who want to chop off their tits and girls who "punch Nazis" respectfully? Do you think they would give you the slightest chance, that they would even consider looking at you for more than 5 seconds? You are not in love with these cowards; you are in love with the idea of being fixed by them, or really anyone like them. You are in love with two kids who would have hated you more than they hated Littleton, CO. Be honest, if you want to be fixed in that way, then latch on to the nearest nigger you find in the street and don't let go of him.

But you still hold on, you maintain those silly little blogs as if it will fix everything, you copy-paste Pais' layout with no second thought about it, you shadow yourselves behind the Columbine shooters and that Floridan dirtbag who killed herself for the lesser one 5 years ago. You have no personality. All you do is romanticize and swoon over those pieces of shit with no actual critical thinking as to what clowns you are making of yourselves when in action. You will one day find it appropriate to finally purchase a shotgun and enter your school, but all you may do is hurt 2 others and kill yourself. There is no worth in admiring them. Look at Sebastian Villasenor, of all people! He's a perfect example of what will happen. Be smart about it. You infuriate me.

No. I am not going to commit a mass murder on my own terms. I have no reason to do so. I am quite a happy person, my community and other classmates have treated me very kindly. I have no resentments for any specific groups of people, and I have never experienced a psychotic meltdown or homicidal urges in my whole life. I can admit I am fairly lonely... But the reasoning to my own isolation is irrelevant to external conflicts. I can only conclude that your own blatant confessions of wanting to commit mass murder is due a light intervention before I may resort to federal assistance. You are all so obsessed with homicide that it worries me. You all want to commit to an agenda that you know nothing of. At the end of the day, it's based on your judgement and own volition; but if you keep this up then your fate will fail you miserably.

Let me ask you: Have you ever considered a different approach to this life?

I did reach out to the author of "basementtapes" at some point and requested she fix her tribute site if she wants to be so open about her plans to commit a mass attack against her peers. Yet, it isn't enough, and she deleted it entirely... I still see websites with the topic we have all bonded so closely under where the authors are very honest about how strong their hatred is for their school/community. Well, have you all ever heard of a digital footprint? Do you think the FBI isn't closely watching your sites and taking note of what you publish on them? Do you think you can get away with it when you spend your whole time writing about your own final act of retribution?

If you're so sick of being banned from Twitter and TikTok for your misconduct, then you need to research much more on what exactly you're involved with, perhaps what you want to be involved with too. There are many different online communities with designated focus on Columbine and other relevant attacks; one I am proud to be a sustaining member of. The famous online forum Randy Stair and William Atchison were members of have short of 7,000 registered members which would love receiving new members. Unfortunately, we hate your kind and are highly unwelcoming of hybristophiles like you.

Regardless... If you want to kill, then you must join an online community that gives the feds a reason to go to work.

If you want to be original, then you must grow out of this phase and become a unique human being. Researchers hate copycats, frankly. If you want recognition, then work for it. Build a website that is topic inclusive and non-redundant. Broaden your horizons than some faggot with a kill count of 3 and a schizophrenic who still managed to slaughter 20 children and 7 teachers.

You're a bunch of cattle. Really, it's all you are. You all want the same thing and are comfortable being led on by a legacy that has been over for 25 years with no chances of new information being dug up. Either you choose to fail, or you choose to succeed. Pick a struggle, or get arrested immediately after you purchase that precious little Carbine you've drooled over for 6 months straight.

Trust me on this one. I have encouraged several others like you to get a grip and I will continue to do this no matter what. If you refuse to hear it, then I will simply find another way to enlighten you. If you choose this way out, then I will see your mugshots on the news and plan to write to you all in prison"