Taken from The Church of Euthanasia's official website, September 2005

"The Church of Euthanasia was inspired by a dream, in which Rev. Chris Korda confronted an alien intelligence known as The Being who speaks for the inhabitants of Earth in other dimensions. The Being warned that our planet's ecosystem is failing, and that our leaders deny this. The Being asked why our leaders lie to us, and why so many of us believe these lies. Rev. Korda awoke from the dream moaning the Church's infamous slogan, Save the Planet - Kill Yourself.

Every aspect of the deepening global environmental crisis, including climate change, poisoning of the water and atmosphere, reduction of biodiversity, and topsoil erosion, directly results from the over-abundance of a single species: homo sapiens. The human population is increasing by one million every four days, according the Washington-based Population Reference Bureau. This is a net increase of 95 million per year, the current population of Mexico.

Even a major war or epidemic hardly dents the rate of growth, and modern wars have tremendous environmental consequences. It is for these practical reasons, as well as moral ones, that Euthanasians support only voluntary forms of population reduction, including suicide, free abortion, and sodomy, which they define as any sexual act not intended for procreation. They are also fiercely vegetarian, and support cannibalism for those who insist on eating flesh.

The planet is a living, breathing organism, and is capable of defending itself if necessary. The Church hopes to avoid the suffering this would entail by achieving a massive leap of consciousness in which human beings begin to think of themselves, not as individuals belonging to races or nation-states, but as a species. This species awareness would be the first step towards what Biodiversity author and population expert Paul Erlich calls 'our absolute responsibility to protect what are our only known living companions in the universe.'"

Notable Events
1992 The first CoE DADA event takes place in Harvard Square. The local skinheads are not amused.

4/30/1993 The CoE joins a local anti-vivisection march, and is finally persuaded to leave, but not before the "Kill Your Fetus Not Your Pet" sign makes its debut.

9/13/1993 A 10'x10' "Save the Planet--Kill Yourself" banner is attached to a billboard on the Massachusetts Turnpike.

12/1/1995 The Suicide Assistance Hotline billboard goes up in Dorchester, but the hotline is blocked by the telephone company's lawyers.

3/1/1996 Rev. Korda and others deploy a 25'x10' GOP Swastika banner at a Boston polling station on primary day. Rev. Korda claims to be a Buchanan supporter, and punches are thrown.

09/14/96 Rev. Korda leads a head-on confrontation with hundreds of pro-lifers in front of Preterm Clinic, where the "Eat A Queer Fetus For Jesus" banner makes its first appearance.

10/15/96 The CoE and the Pedophile Priests for Life mingle with hard-core pro-life demonstrators in front of Gynecare Clinic. Props include a crucified inflatable sex doll and life-size drawings of naked boys.

03/17/97 Rev. Korda flies to San Francisco to be taped for the PBS show "Internet Cafe," stays with soon-to-be Cardinal Paley, and makes a detour to San Jose to meet Satanic Outreach director Boboroshi.

04/13/97 The CoE holds a ceremony on the Boston Common to honor the members of Heaven's Gate. Thirty-nine earthworms are released from individual containers, and grapes are crushed to symbolize castration. Read sermon here

06/12/97 The CoE flies to Chicago to be taped for the Jerry Springer show. Highlights include fetus eating and an oral sex demonstration.

06/27/97 A Christian billboard is modified to read "If you're looking for a sign from God, kill yourself."

08/11/97 A heavily sanitized Jerry Springer show is aired, under the title "I want to join a suicide cult." Pastor Kim's rant makes "Talk Soup."

12/11/01 On the three-month anniversary of 9-11, the "I Like to Watch" music video is released on the internet.